Can't Stand the Heat

Louisa Edwards

Book 1 of Recipe for Love

Language: English

Publisher: St. Martin's Press

Published: Sep 1, 2009



“Exceptional culinary detail and page-singeing sexual chemistry combine with a fascinating group of characters to produce a sophisticated modern romance that ties into the current foodie craze. This debut—first in a projected "Recipe for Love" series—will win over most contemporary romance fans.—_Library Journal_

“In her wickedly entertaining debut, Edwards dishes up a captivating contemporary romance expertly seasoned with plenty of sizzling sexual chemistry and deliciously tart humor.” –_Booklist_

“The simmering chemistry comes to a boil in this deliciously sensual and delightfully amusing debut.”  --_Orlando__ Sentinel_

“This playful culinary confection is a lighthearted and entertaining romance that will delight readers. With all the behind the scenes revelations, you’ll never look at cooking and meal preparation in the same way again. Steamy and satisfying fare, indeed” –_Fresh Fiction_


From start to finish, I devoured and enjoyed every moment of this book. Miranda and Adam worked well together like…honey and cayenne pepper…a little sweet and a little spicy with an end result to make you say “Wow”.” –_Cheryl’s Book Nook_


“I LOVED Can’t Stand The Heat . Louisa Edwards has written a great debut novel, and I look forward to reading more of the Recipe for Love series.” –_Beautiful Reads_


“The strength of this novel is substantial…. The writing, the other characters, the setting, the nuances, and the imagery are marvelous….Food and its various meanings and permutations are a fluid and discernible part of the writing in this book. It includes themes of home, heart, family, and nourishment, what people need to survive, and how the food we eat can communicate more than words can provide.” –_Smart Bitches Who Love Trashy Novels_


“A deliciously fun read. The plot and eccentric characters are well written, and the kitchen sizzles with hot passion.” –_Romance Reviews Today_


“_Can’t Stand the Heat_ is a delightful blend of chemistry, competition, and cooking, and it was just what I was looking for. I loved the fast-paced scenes that make you feel the controlled chaos of a restaurant during dinner hour, as well as the slower-paced scenes such as Adam teaching Miranda how to cook…I’m am eagerly awaiting Edwards’ next release in the series. Here’s hoping it’s as good a read as this terrific debut.” –_All About Romance___

“Snappy, exciting, adventurous, and totally unexpected. Can't Stand the Heat... is one of the best light-hearted culinary, romantic novels this reviewer has read in a very long time! Grand job, Louisa Edwards.” –_Crystal__ Reviews_

“_Can’t Stand the Heat_ is the first novel in her “Recipe for Love” series, and what a start it is. All of the characters are portrayed in such a revealing light that you will remember them for quite some time. I love the sensuality as well as the conflict. I have become a fan of this author and cannot wait to read more in her series, along with any other works she comes out with!” –_Coffee Time Romance_ (5 Stars)

“Make sure that you have a good lazy day to spend with Can’t Stand The Heat, and don’t start reading this one in the evening, or I guarantee you will be up all night!”  --_The Romance Reader_   

“The author blends love and recipes into a fun romp…Fans will enjoy the pizzazz and flavor that Louisa Edwards brings to her warm tale.” –_Genre Go Round Reviews_

“A funny, lovable story about two unlikely people falling for each other. The plot, characters, and setting comes together to form a wonderful, light-hearted, culinary romance that is a blast to read and I can't wait for the next “Recipe for Love” novel!” –_The Book Lush_

“Delish! Creative debut author Louisa Edwards will have you eating out of her hand as you read her witty, insightful, foodie romance…_ Can’t Stand the Heat_ is filled with steamy passion, realistically described settings, a distinctive plot and characters that beg for their own stories.  Watch for more to come from this talented new author.”  --_SingleTitles.com_


“Mmmm... Louisa Edwards' debut effort--_Can't Stand the Heat_--is yummy!! The witty repartee between Miranda and Adam, the snappy dialog between Adam and his staff, make this a fun, sizzling, read… And all the food talk in between these covers? Make sure you're not reading while hungry.” –_Drey’s Library_

“The main characters to felt like friends and the secondary romance involving Miranda's brother helped keep things moving. One of the best parts was discovering an excerpt of Edwards's next book featuring a minor character from this one--giving me another book to look forward to…Can't Stand the Heat? I say, get into this kitchen!”  --

“ An exquisitely prepared romance seasoned with scorching hot love scenes, Can’t Stand the Heat is truly an unforgettable dish. You can’t miss this delectable and mouthwatering debut!” –_New York Times_ bestsellilng author Kresley Cole

"Smokin' hot chefs, sizzling passion, and a big dash of charm--no reservations required for this smart, stylish romance!"---_New York Times_ bestselling author Gena Showalter

“_Can’t Stand the Heat_ is HOT in the kitchen and everywhere else!” – New York Times bestselling author Carly Phillips

Product Description

For sharp-tongued food critic Miranda Wake, the chance to spend a month in Adam Temple’s kitchen to write an exposé is a journalistic dream come true. Surely Miranda can find a way to cut the hotshot chef down to size once she learns what _really goes on at his trendy Manhattan restaurant. But she never expected Adam to find out her most embarrassing secret: she has no idea how to cook._

Adam’s not about to have his reputation burned by a critic who doesn’t even know the difference between poaching and paring.  He’ll just have to give the tempting redhead a few private lessons of his own—teaching her what it means to cook with passion…and doing more with his hands than simply preparing sumptuous food.